I really do like KBin and Lemmy and the fediverse on the whole, but development is still young and the userbase still growing. KBin is still basically early access, and Lemmy is buggy. I spent alot of time in reddit and I’m feeling the pain of trying to ween myself from it. Just wanted to here community perspectives and see how other’s are taking it.

For me, I feel a bit of a sore hollow spot for what reddit used to be and watching it implode is not fun for me.

  • Th4tGuyII
    41 year ago

    I actually kind of feel the opposite way. While Kbin is young, and will certainly be more optimised with time, it works more than well enough to satisfy my want to interact with the world the same way I would through Reddit - though interactions feel more personal. Just in this thread I recognise a couple of names of those I’ve chatted with before.

    Additionally, moving to Kbin finally gave me a chance to do some spring-cleaning on my browsing habits. Where I used only stick to my subscribed feed on Reddit, I find myself much more on All on Kbin, exposing myself to more (though I do stay away from NSFW, unlike what I did on Reddit).