The comments section is ultimate drama. 😹😹

    • @CJOtheReal
      218 months ago

      Admins having a power trip on spez level constantly, making their instance into a walled garden, like reddit, being antisemitic and harass other instances admins.

      They believe they own lemmy now because they got lucky and be labeled the “default instance” by most apps and got pushed by many.

      They are just as insane as Lemmyml admins.

      They damage lemmy as a whole, willingly, with this behavior.

      • sour
        48 months ago

        why do they participate in the fediverse if they’re going to make their instance like a corporate platform

        • @CJOtheReal
          -38 months ago

          I asked you what it is, because you believe to know. And a secondary account has the point of not being associated with a main…

          Im not giving you like 20 account names. Don’t worry none of them are on your shithole instance or are active there.

        • @CJOtheReal
          -78 months ago

          Ok, but i actually don’t ask for your opinion… So get lost. Ok?

            68 months ago

            i actually don’t ask for your opinion

            By posting on a community that anyone can reply to you on, you kinda did ask for other people to respond to you…

            • @CJOtheReal
              -18 months ago

              Yes but if you just insult others and don’t bring anything meaningful you can also just be quiet and not bother people…

                18 months ago

                You don’t get to police how folks respond to you…

                If you didn’t want to be “bothered” and can’t handle criticism, you shouldn’t have posted something on the internet.

                • @CJOtheReal
                  -28 months ago

                  As much as they are entitled to reply with a clownshow, i can do so as well. Therefore you just got defeated by your own argument…

                  And its not criticism to say “you speak shit” its just a baseless insult without any foundation.

    • Throwaway
      8 months ago

      Main issue to the user is random defederations and slightly aggressive moderation.

      Personally, I just moved to when I got banned for a week. I don’t even remember what for, just that I wanted to continue posting and commenting.