Thursday on X (Twitter), all users saw the same pinned topic under the “What’s happening?” sidebar. As part of a “timeline takeover” — which gives advertisers “priority access to logged-in users’ first impression of the day” — conservative media nonprofit PragerU is promoting the hashtag “#DETRANS” to advertise its new film about “the stories of detransitioners.”

  • @seitanic
    141 year ago

    Boycotts can work. Leave, and let people know why you’re leaving. (The second part is important!)

    • BolexForSoup
      1 year ago

      You say that, yet every asshole and their mom kept going “hur dur this isn’t an airport” during the Reddit API protests when a lot of us mods announced our resignations and left. If they don’t like what you’re doing, it’s virtue signaling. If you don’t say anything, then your ineffective. Literally nothing is acceptable if people don’t like the message you are trying to get across. It also doesn’t help that the Internet mostly rewards cynicism/tearing other people down and yucking other people’s yums.