Stop using the word ‘Google’ instead of saying ‘Search’. Take offense if anyone tells you to ‘Google’ something - fuck them!!!
Set Firefox as your default - don’t keep ‘defaulting’ to chrome, or chromium based browsers (as this code mostly comes from Google).
Be sure to become more acquainted with more platforms, keep shortcuts handy and use them when they have content…
If you must use Youtube, use it signed out - find your channel and add it to an RSS reader. Avoid using the Youtube interface and avoid the algorithms. Search for any channels you watch on alternative platforms.
Firefox Focus is also a lovely little mobile browser for random queries and such. It’s effectively always in private browsing mode; anytime you close it, it clears its cache.
I definitely use it more often than “regular” Firefox on mobile. I only really use regular Firefox if I need some sort of persistence or login.
Firefox on mobile caters for extensions too. Not having ads or tracking on your phone is great. FF on both mobile and desktop is fantastic tbh.
Firefox Focus is also a lovely little mobile browser for random queries and such. It’s effectively always in private browsing mode; anytime you close it, it clears its cache.
I definitely use it more often than “regular” Firefox on mobile. I only really use regular Firefox if I need some sort of persistence or login.
Doesn’t have sponsorblock though unless you use nightly and make some tweaks
The upside if we all use the term Google, is that over time Google will lose their ability to enforce their trademark.
I google things on brave search all the time