• @MindBorder@lemmynsfw.com
    8 months ago

    You are deluded. Child porn? The person in the photo that set you off was 25 years old when it was taken.

    I have no interest in actual children, and that is not mutually exclusive with my type being “short and flat-chested”. The same way others can be into tall and muscular, and still not want to go for underage people who fit that description.

    The people who frequent this community have no interest in actual kids. It’s not a veil, we literally are not into children, hence the 18+ requirement.

    OP linked the identity of the model to verify her age, “statistically” that’s unlikely to misfire and allow actual CP. You’re more likely to find that anonymously posted on gone wild.

    Get off your high horse, no-one here is ok with hurting others, you’ve not found a den of secret pedos, but simply people who are into a certain body type in women. Legal, women.

    If some pedos are around too, what do I care, better they look at these adults than actual child porn.

      • @MindBorder@lemmynsfw.com
        18 months ago

        Nice job revealing you’ve not understood a word of what I’ve said.

        If it’s possible to be attracted to mature-looking people when they are legal, and not, when they happen to be mature-looking underage people… Then it’s also possible to be attracted to a child-like physique, only when the person is an adult.

        You have a seriusly distorted view of how different people can look despite being the same age. I’m trying to show you that you looking at a 25-year-old and feeling they are “too-young” has more to do with your sexual preferences than you not being into kids. People who are into 25-year-olds who in your opinion look underage, are still into 25-YEAR-OLDS, NOT KIDS.

        A person can be into “child-like” without being into actual children. How hard is that to understand?

          • @MindBorder@lemmynsfw.com
            8 months ago

            Of course you have.

            In your mind you’re talking to someone who “defends” or “makes excuses” for something you feel is wrong.

            When really, I’m trying to show you that your preconceived notions started off untrue to begin with.

            Of course you’re fighting to understand what I’m saying through a layer of disbelief and self-imposed incomprehension.

            Not to mention pride, which is likely to prevent you from admitting, (aside from privately to yourself) when your mind is changed by someone. This is especially the case when someone feels they are in the moral right.

            And you’re still missing the point. You can be attracted to a certain appearance, and then be turned off the instant you realize someone is a child, even if they are physically “up your alley”.

            There are underage people who get attention because they look legal, just as there adults who look underage. But only actual pedos would even want to go through with it, once they know, regardless of law.

            Good people aren’t turned on by a situation that would hurt someone.

              • @MindBorder@lemmynsfw.com
                8 months ago

                And there’s the pride… and strawman, you kept it together so long I honestly thought you were above such crutches.

                I’m not sure you read half of what I had to say.

                Maybe I repeated myself enough times that bits and pieces got through, so that in time, you’ll put it together

                And what a comeback… Understanding others, especially those you disagree with, is step one of interacting with the world in a way that actually makes a difference. No wonder you’re rhetorically impotent.