Highlights: One of the defining features of the rise of American neofascism is violence. This is in no way surprising: violence is one of the primary tools that enemies of democracy use to impose their will, undermine institutions, and prevent the types of consensus-seeking that’s foundational to a healthy democracy and society. Contrary to what right-wing leaders and their disinformation media would like to suggest, this violence is not on “both sides.” The data and other evidence show that political violence and extremism in the Age of Trump (and from the late 1980s to the present more generally) is a phenomenon almost exclusive to the right-wing and “conservative” movement.

National security experts and law enforcement are continuing to warn that right-wing political violence as seen on Jan. 6, in mass shootings and other acts of terrorism, hate crimes, and other such actions – up to an including the possibility of a sustained insurgency to remove President Biden and the Democrats from power – is the greatest threat to the country’s domestic safety and security.

  • @Daft_ish@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    There is no topic he hasn’t taken both sides on. Just a miracle for him no one’s got him on tape yet. Or they keep those tapes under wraps.

    Hell, I bet you would only have to ask him like three times before he says no jesus wasn’t real.

    • @popemichael
      111 months ago

      I’d love to be a fly on the wall in like 50 years when they are able to open the CIA archives to the public on everything top secret that Trump did.

      I’d bet half of the GOP would be in chains if that stuff came out today, let alone what Trump has said.