• @CJOtheReal
    17 months ago

    A country with concentration camps, slave labor, Russia and North Korea support and a very aggressive imperialistic general behavior is bad, there is no stepping down from how bad it is. If you support China, go live there. Live in the dictatorship shithole that causes your “vanishing” if you are speaking against winnie pooh

    or want to learn about actual history.

    The only good thing is that Chinas existence and aggressive behavior is increasing my Stock portfolio wich mostly consists of Arms companys… But in that case i can put my personal gains behind the wellbeing of humanity as a whole.

    • @naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      67 months ago

      What are you smoking? I don’t want to live in China, I don’t even particularly want to live in my own country lmao.

      That doesn’t mean I don’t want cooperation between citizenry to flourish where possible. When superpowers fight everyone outside of a few elites suffer.