Highlights: One of the defining features of the rise of American neofascism is violence. This is in no way surprising: violence is one of the primary tools that enemies of democracy use to impose their will, undermine institutions, and prevent the types of consensus-seeking that’s foundational to a healthy democracy and society. Contrary to what right-wing leaders and their disinformation media would like to suggest, this violence is not on “both sides.” The data and other evidence show that political violence and extremism in the Age of Trump (and from the late 1980s to the present more generally) is a phenomenon almost exclusive to the right-wing and “conservative” movement.

National security experts and law enforcement are continuing to warn that right-wing political violence as seen on Jan. 6, in mass shootings and other acts of terrorism, hate crimes, and other such actions – up to an including the possibility of a sustained insurgency to remove President Biden and the Democrats from power – is the greatest threat to the country’s domestic safety and security.

  • Flying Squid
    611 months ago

    And now I have 40+ guns. Hell, they’re mostly for fun, but if the fascists come knocking, I can fight back.

    With your 40+ hands.

    • @shalafi@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      This is videogame players logic.

      “LOL! You gonna quadruple wield!”

      Hell, most of my guns are for fun and learning gunsmithing. The vast majority are <$200 guns I bought to refurbish. A few are still in parts!

      Don’t be silly. I have a Colt .45 on my desk, a .45 1911 RIA on my nightstand and a pump shotgun to go with it. I’m capable with those 3, but I have no illusions of being able to effectively use one at 3AM. In any case, if I’m legally able to defend my family, why should I not take that option?

      Call the cops instead? Tell me how much you trust the cops.

        • @shalafi@lemmy.world
          11 months ago

          Another cute meme liberals put on us. I don’t live in fear, because I don’t have to.

          Ever had a couple of drunk men try to rape your woman on a lonely sand bank? Ever had a bear wander in your house? Ever take a date downtown and see her fear with homeless addicts muttering to themselves, approaching her?

          These aren’t weird fantasies, these happened to me. I won’t even get into the fascism that’s clearly coming to America.

          FFS, do you young libs not see that you’re attacking an ally?! I’m on your side of damned near every political issue but this one. And even then, I can still argue liberal points. And no matter what I vote D. Idiots.

          Women, POC and LGBT+ people are the largest gun purchasing demographic. Want to take a shot at them? Tell them to stop living in fantastical fear?

          Not good enough? We doing fucking purity tests now? How very… conservative of you.

          Anyhow, I’m going to a Pilipino gig downtown. Doesn’t get much safer than hanging with that gang, great people! Combined, we’re 104-yo and 240lbs., so I’m carrying my subcompact 9mm. And my Filipino gf? “Babe? You have your gun?”

          • Flying Squid
            211 months ago

            You have three guns to protect yourself in case something bad happens. That sure sounds like living in fear to me.

              • Flying Squid
                011 months ago

                Why do you need three fire extinguishers? Once again, sounds like living in fear. Most people have one at most.

                • @shalafi@lemmy.world
                  011 months ago

                  One in the kitchen.

                  One in my truck.

                  One at my camp in the swamp. (And no, I’m not rich. It’s literally 2.5 acres of swamp. I got lucky enough to buy it.)

                  I would kill for a social media platform where posters have to be 25-yo+ to post. You children are fucking exhausting.

                  • Flying Squid
                    11 months ago

                    I’m 46. Maybe you’re not very good at determining these things. Sort of like how you’re not very good at determining how dangerous life is.