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tweet by Johann Hari: The core of addiction is not wanting to be present in life, because pour life is too painful a place to be. This is why imposing more pain or punishment on a person with an addiction problem actually makes their addiction worse.

  • BlanketsWithSmallpox
    311 months ago

    … People are shot weekly where I live over spats about weed and money. The southern cartels deal heavily in weed and murder swaths of people over it still. Hell Avocadoes led to hundreds-thousands of deaths in Mexico over the last five years.

    Let’s not pretend that the drugs that make people money are the ones that fuel deaths.

    It’s why we need to legalize all drugs, and decriminalize all drugs.

    The amount of denial pot smokers have is ridiculous yes, but don’t give them an out like they aren’t contributing their drop of water into that overflowing bucket.

      -711 months ago

      Great points, and I agree with legalization as well as decriminalization (despite only listing the latter in my first comment).

      My edit regarding weed was simply because it just doesn’t belong in the same category as “the white powders”, which are destructive on a whole other level.

      My down votes are indicative of the denial that too many drug users exhibit.

        711 months ago

        My down votes are indicative of the denial that too many drug users exhibit.

        The irony is that you’re in denial that you simply made a bad take.

          011 months ago

          We should have learnt this by now - that chastising people with a bad take, even by something seemingly as innocuous as mass downvoting, actually tends to cause people to hang on to their beliefs harder because they’re being attacked for those very beliefs. It causes them to harden and somehow paradoxically confirms they were right all along. Our brains do unintuitive things quite often!

        • Gloomy
          -111 months ago

          Nobody bothered to give any arguments against it tough…?

        411 months ago

        Since ppl obviously disagree with your view - here is some anectodal counter evidence:

        When i was younger and went out often, I had a close friend group of like-minded ppl. In that group we experimented with different drugs. The most common one was probably MDMA in pill form, but we had things that where in powder, liquid, crystal and organic form. For new drugs we read up and usually had a trip sitter, all our stuff went through the lab - so we knew what actually was in there. In our high time, we had a trip every weekend and a comming down with some weed. I know for a fact that we did not harm anyone else. Did we harm our bodies? Possibly, but for sure less than smoking tobacco for the same period and frequency would have. Did we develop an addiction? I can’t speak for the others, but i know i did not. And those i am still in contact with have a clean and organized life now.

        It will be extremely easy for you, to simply say ‘denial’ and not take in what i wrote. But trust me when i say i know what an addiction is. During my time in the military i developed an addiction to alcohol. I am fine now, but i know how it is to be dependent on a substance and i know how it is to look back at it.

          311 months ago

          Thanks for the great response

          all our stuff went through the lab - so we knew what actually was in there.

          I too was friends with an organic chemist. We were luckier than most to have that kind of insight available

        311 months ago

        My down votes are indicative of the denial that too many drug users exhibit.

        No, they aren’t. Most people think your arguments are wrong and awful.