Protecting Saskatchewan from outside “threats” – including the federal government – was a major theme in the provincial government’s 2023 Speech from the Throne on Wednesday.

    8 months ago

    “We will not risk plunging our homes, our schools, our hospitals, our special care homes, our businesses into the cold and darkness because of the ideological whims of others,” the speech said.

    The Saskatchewan Party’s government’s throne speech claimed new federal regulations will kill thousands of jobs and devastate the province’s resource sector which the government says is already following some of the most environmentally-friendly practices in the world.

    “It makes no sense, especially at a time that our national government should be promoting Canadian oil and gas as a reliable and environmentally sustainable option to countries facing energy shortages,” the speech highlighted.

    Yes, the carbon tax is maybe not the best way to attack the issues we’re having. But what fucking parallel universe do these people live in that they can outright call the global climate crisis that’s already happening the “ideological whims of others” and gas/oil “sustainable”?

    • @CanadaPlus
      8 months ago

      A parallel universe where climate change is a hoax and they’re just not allowed to say it outright anymore. Literally 1984!!! /s

      I mean, that’s not all of them, but it’s really widespread to the point I’m confident that’s what’s driving this.