Last time, I used: “Anybody need anything while I’m out?” and that went over well. May not make it through this surgery on Friday, so I turn to Lemmy for top-notch suggestions for my potential last words!

  • u/lukmly013 💾 (
    278 months ago

    I know, it’s stupid, but anyway…

    “If I don’t survive, tell everyone I used GNU+Linux, btw.”

    But realistically, I’d probably be repeating this to myself: “Do not talk right after you wake up! Do not talk right after you wake up! Check the time, wait at least 2 hours. Do not trust yourself right after you wake up!” in hope that I’d remember to do so as to not accidentally disclose private information while still being high.

      68 months ago

      Propofol is a hell of a drug. It’s impossible to not say something since your prefrontal cortex is basically still off.

      My wife is an RN for the place I had a procedure done and I came out of it asking the anesthesiologist how much she made and telling her my wife was thinking of becoming a nurse anesthetist. The staff thought it was hilarious of course.

      58 months ago

      So you want people to know you use GNU+Linux, and at the same time believe you have important “private information” you’re likely to disclose while recovering from a general anaesthetic?