• المنطقة عكف عفريت
    38 months ago

    Forced displacement of a people *is a war crime" and given the Nakba it’s not such a bad idea to not give this to Israel. We’ve played this game before in 1948 and did any refugee from that era get to ever return home? Nope.

    • Flying SquidM
      48 months ago

      Okay, then what should Gazans do, stay put and die? Because unless they’re either staying put or somehow getting into Israel, Egypt sounds like their only option. Except Egypt won’t allow it.

      • المنطقة عكف عفريت
        18 months ago

        Gazans and double nationals are as we speak now at the Rafah crossing and no government was able to get them out.

        What they should do is get aid and a ceasefire and an end to the blockade. There is nothing you can expect from a group of civilians dying every day under bombing. There is nothing they as a group “should do” other than try to survive and not be forced out of their homeland.

        Even if they get to leave, their lives will still be shit. Once a refugee forever a refugee.

        • Flying SquidM
          38 months ago

          So you’re basically saying Gazans should stay put and hope that there’s peace before they’re murdered. I see.

          • المنطقة عكف عفريت
            08 months ago

            I’m saying that if Gazans move now, it’s one extra tragedy they don’t need to fucking deal with. Gazans are in this now because Israel is killing them and destroying their homes, and yet on top of that they have to also take all their shit and leave, which can only be done with great difficulty already, not to mention Israel made sure to displace 1m+ people already in the past two weeks?

            You can mold this statement to whatever form you want that makes you feel better.

            Every single thing Gazans are going through now is with Israel literally pulling the trigger and making the decision. I read today that one Hamas official was killed. I wondered if it was worth it? 5kcivilians dead, thousands missing, almost half of the dead are children, people buried in mass graves… was it worth killing one single Hamas fighter for this many civilians? Was it worth making a new holocaust? Was it worth committing genocide? And Israel’s “only solution” with their infinite power and technology and foreign support was to bomb the shit out of them, breaking their bones under their own destroyed homes? Fuck this.

            • Flying SquidM
              28 months ago

              There are three things Gazans can do: Flee through Israel (never going to happen), flee through Egypt (all Egypt has to do is say yes), or stay put and die.

              You are repeatedly suggesting they should stay put and die.

                • Flying SquidM
                  8 months ago

                  What is a more likely scenario: Gazans get to flee Gaza or Israel stops the genocide?

                  This is like someone saying “Jews shouldn’t leave Germany, Germans should stop the Holocaust.” As if either was something that Israel or the Nazis would be willing to do.

                  Because, again, Gazans have three options: Flee through Israel (impossible), flee through Egypt (could be possible), or stay put and die.

                  There are no other options.

                  You would have them stay put and hope Israel says “sorry, our bad” and stops bombing them.

                  Also, I’ve been saying Israel has been perpetrating a genocide repeatedly this whole time, so what exactly do I need to get over?

                  • المنطقة عكف عفريت
                    18 months ago

                    What is a more likely scenario: Gazans get to flee Gaza or Israel stops the genocide?

                    What you should ask is which one is the correct one. And we all know which one that is.

    • @Kusimulkku@lemm.ee
      48 months ago

      So Egypt can’t take them because it would allow Israel to commit a war crime by displacing them, but Egypt thinks Europe should take them