WASHINGTON, Oct 20 (Reuters) - The United States on Friday released a U.S. intelligence assessment sent to more than 100 countries that found Moscow is using spies, social media and Russian state-run media to erode public faith in the integrity of democratic elections worldwide.

“This is a global phenomenon,” said the assessment. “Our information indicates that senior Russian government officials, including the Kremlin, see value in this type of influence operation and perceive it to be effective.”

A senior State Department official, briefing reporters on condition of anonymity, said that Russia was encouraged to intensify its election influence operations by its success in amplifying disinformation about the 2020 U.S. election and the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Except every Republican lead House investigation this year has said, “Theres nothing there we can charge anyone with, but we’re gonna keep pretending there is so we can creat a fake moral equivilancy!”

    Watch some news that doesnt stroke your echo chamber.

    • Maeve
      -101 year ago

      With all due respect, perhaps you could revisit Assange/Snowden leaks.

    • jimmydoreisalefty
      -211 year ago

      I tend to watch many news sources on the “left” and “right”, one major theme I keep seeing in the “extremes” is a doubt of our government and corruption.

      Antiwar vs. pro war

      Freedom of speech vs censorship

        • jimmydoreisalefty
          -251 year ago

          If you see everyone that disagrees with you as an enemy, so be it.

          I am more of a 3rd party kind of person, but believe whatever comes to your heart.

            • jimmydoreisalefty
              -51 year ago

              Yeah, I am not seeing it that way.

              I see it as falling for the US military propanganda narrative.

              More wars so more dividing of people by countries that neither government helps the working class.

              • I mean, you’re still wrong. This has nothing to do with the countries population. There’s a ton of hostile influence campaigns going on. The U.S. has done it a dozen times over in other countries, and you think it’s just us falling for U.S. propaganda? A little naive don’t you think.

            • Maeve
              -91 year ago

              As I suggested earlier, revisiting Snowden/Assange leaks would behoove us all.

            • jimmydoreisalefty
              -121 year ago

              Duopoly has been a thing since before Russia Gate hoax.

              To force change, people need to change how we vote.

              If 3rd parties grow in strength, they can use that.

              Local and state is more important, but long term 3rd parties can also help.

              • @NocturnalMorning@lemmy.world
                1 year ago

                A first past the post voting system evolves essentially into a two party system like what we have now, regardless. If you want something else we need to change the voting system we use to elect people.

                • jimmydoreisalefty
                  -61 year ago

                  That would require people to stop going with the status quo, republicans show a glimpse of how it would look like.

                  Kicking out McCarthy when he did not do what they wanted, using only as an example of what democrats could do.

                • jimmydoreisalefty
                  -31 year ago

                  That is where we differ.

                  All the leaks from miltary and how main stream media is controlled by few billionaires.

                  Makes it hard to believe certain things.

                  Thank you for pushing back on my view, I do not like being in a bubble.

                  The article is pointing to important information, in the end of the day.

                  • @TokenBoomer@lemmy.world
                    21 year ago

                    Sorry this post was hard on you, no one deserves to be mobbed. You did well defending yourself. It’s happened to me. Sometimes being the first to post a comment, especially when you’re just commenting for fun, can be problematic. I got into a semantic debate about capitalism and the meaning of depression/ recession weeks ago that taught me that lesson. It’s strange how groups tend congregate around different topics.