Title is pretty much it. Woke up this morning to an email in the inbox with a reddit message notification from u/reddit

Your account has been permanently suspended for breaking the rules.

The thing is not only have I not been on reddit since the protest (barring google searches while not signed in on a private browser, for specific questions unfortunately), but it’s a lurker account. I have one post from a year ago asking a question, then a few sporadic comments with the last being in April.

I suppose the breakup with Reddit is a mutual thing now lol. Just a very strange scenario.

  • dismalnow
    1 year ago

    VPN? They have this half-baked user “reliability” rating system that they claim “identifies known alts”.

    Which is marketingspeak for “we log ips,” I think. If they did that as poorly as everything else, it’s possible they think you’re the last guy to use that vpn before you.

    Also… sorry for grilling you. Just curious.

    • abff08f4813c
      21 year ago

      Never used VPN, had a couple of active throwaways and those were not caught either. Oddly the message is “all your accounts” as in plural but it was only the one account.

      • dismalnow
        11 year ago

        Thanks again.

        Guess we’re back to Hanlon. Probably a buggy, hastily written script by a jr dev, or worse… they’re doing this manually based on a spreadsheet tracker.