I am a current Apple daily driver for my computing needs, but not until somewhat recently

This was a pretty interesting video about the hypercard software from the 80s

Did anyone here use it? What kind of things did you create?

    • @lackthoughtOPM
      21 year ago

      the more I learn about it the more I want to set up a VM and find a copy so I can play around with it

      • @IonicFrog
        21 year ago

        There really isn’t anything like it now. It’s from a time when there were not a lot of applications out there any people had to DIY their own tools. Like a database for a repair shop. Now people have spreadsheets with tons of features or small niche apps. Then there are the big cloud apps like SaleForce and Quickbooks.

        • NaN
          21 year ago

          Thanks for the ping. I’ll take any excuse to watch Computer Chronicles.