• NotAPenguin
    121 year ago

    All social media is filled with animal cruelty.
    There’s so many pictures and videos of cut up animal corpses with people going “yum” in the comments…

    • marx2k
      151 year ago

      I don’t get how I never see that on regular Twitter.

        • marx2k
          231 year ago

          You know, I really wish you were clearer in your OP so I wasn’t dragged in to a vegans discussion

          • NotAPenguin
            41 year ago

            Oh no you had to think about what happens to the animals you eat for a few seconds!

              • NotAPenguin
                31 year ago

                Oh no you had to think about what happens to the animals you other people eat for a few seconds!

            • reric88🧩
              101 year ago

              Eating animals isn’t the problem, necessarily. It’s how the animals are grown and raised like crops is the problem. I have a weird stance on this that looks very contradicting. Humans are animals, and we are engineered to include meat in our diets. However, I don’t agree with how the majority of us access that meat.

              I’m a strong believer in hunting for food, not sport. If you’re going to eat an animal, you should work for it. And be thankful. Doesn’t matter what beliefs you hold, you owe thanks to what the animal has provided you.

              Meat farms are disgusting. But there’s no way they will ever go away. They’re much too profitable for companies to give up.

              • NotAPenguin
                1 year ago

                How do you humanely kill an animal who doesn’t need or want to die?

                How does thanking someone after you needlessly kill them help anything?

                Why not just eat plants when we can easily thrive on a plant based diet?
                We aren’t “engineered” at all, we’re omnivores which means we can do just fine both with and without meat.

                • reric88🧩
                  51 year ago

                  You hunt it. Not as a sport. Give the animal a fair chance, and even then it’s not a fair fight, so be thankful for what’s been provided

                  • NotAPenguin
                    1 year ago

                    Killing when we don’t have to is cruel, doing it in the forest doesn’t make it better, we can just eat plants.

                    There’s nothing fair about needless killing, nothing is provided to you, you’re taking it be force.

          • @SSUPII@sopuli.xyz
            61 year ago

            The “people going “yum” in the comments” made it so extremely obvious its about OP not wanting to see pieces of cooked meat in beef ramen videos

          • NotAPenguin
            1 year ago

            Why wouldn’t it be serious?

            Meat is cut up animal corpses.
            Humans can easily thrive without meat so it’s clearly abusive to kill for profit/taste.

            Could you reactionary fucks think about the subject for more than 2 seconds before you get angry and downvote?

            • reric88🧩
              121 year ago

              Come on, guy, are you farming for an argument? You aren’t helping your case by being abrasive

            • Melpomene
              101 year ago

              With respect, this approach does nothing to convince people to reduce their meat consumption, and in fact alienates people who might otherwise be on the fence about reducing their meat intake.

              • NotAPenguin
                1 year ago

                We get told this literally no matter how we approach the subject lol.
                Which approach is it you think I’m using here and why is it ineffective?
                It’s not like I’ve been especially rude or anything?

                Which approach worked on you?

                • Melpomene
                  111 year ago

                  You’ve been hostile (“reactionary fucks”) and you’ve hijacked the broader discussion referenced in the article (Musk’s Twitter showing terrible videos including human death, animal cruelty, etc) to make a point about meat consumption generally versus videos on Twitter showing the intentional and purposeful infliction of pain on animals for pleasure.

                  My meat consumption is down quite a bit. Information on substitutes, good recipes, studies on the intelligence of (for example) squid and such have shifted me into eating less meat. While I’m sure you’d prefer people not eat meat at all, convincing 5 people to cut their meat consumption 50% is better than convincing 0 people to cut their meat consumption 100% , no?

                  • NotAPenguin
                    1 year ago

                    (“reactionary fucks”)

                    After my comments were downvoted to hell lol.

                    I’ve not hijacked anything, I contributed to the conversation and everyone lost their minds because they don’t wanna think about the animal abuse they support every day.

                    convincing 5 people to cut their meat consumption 50% is better than convincing 0 people to cut their meat consumption 100% , no?

                    Would you feel the same about abolishing slavery?

                  • pjhenry1216
                    21 year ago

                    The “reactionary fucks” was in response to hostility. Hijacking broader topic? I’m sure you’re on reddit complaining about John Oliver taking over the broader topic that is generally on r/pics. I’ll let you ruminate on that until you see the obvious point.

                    I’m sure in history some abolitionists wanted to get rid of slavery all together, but just minimizing the number of slaves is better than nothing right so they shouldn’t have been so absolutist. At least according to your own argument unless you admit to being hypocritical or simply not understanding the argument of those you’re responding to. You can’t be neither though.

                    You’re putting forth either bad faith arguments or extremely toxic ones, under the guise of polite society. It’s kind of sickening if you aren’t actually intentionally doing it.

              • pjhenry1216
                41 year ago

                This is kind of funny, cause it’s the same approach the toxic right takes against progressives. “Be nice to us cause pointing out the things you do makes us get angry instead and won’t convince us.” It’d be ridiculously hilarious if it weren’t so sad at the same time. This is the most subtly toxic response you could have had.

            • Dio
              11 year ago

              No, they’re incapable and whingy.

        • marx2k
          1 year ago

          Yeah, I did listen to a podcast about content moderators at Facebook having breakdowns from dealing with having to see that kind of shit day in, day out.

          Fuck. That. Noise.

      • EatALime
        11 year ago

        Do people post much food content on Twitter? I never really used Twitter other than when news stories included tweets so I have no idea what’s popular out there.

        • marx2k
          41 year ago

          Its become mostly far-right wing spam.

          Think if 4chan trolls and stormfront trolls had a bastard child.

          • Melpomene
            11 year ago

            This is not the mental image I wanted before I finished my coffee this morning.

        • @SSUPII@sopuli.xyz
          1 year ago

          A lot of people actually do post a lot of food. At least within the art community on Twitter there are so many food posts on the timelines of artists.

    • TheRtRevKaiserM
      101 year ago

      Folks, there is important, valid discussion to be had about meat eating both from ethical an environmental perspectives. I’m not sure that !Technology is the place to have that discussion, however.

      More importantly, this thread was not the way to discuss these issues, particularly on Beehaw. The behavior in this thread was not nice, and is not the way that these types (or any type) of discussion should be conducted.

      • NotAPenguin
        61 year ago

        I just made a comment about animal cruelty on social media, in a thread about animal cruelty on social media.

        Sadly speaking up for the animals provokes angry responses in many people.

        • TheRtRevKaiserM
          61 year ago

          I’m not saying that you are solely at fault for the thread getting out of hand, but I hope we can agree that when things devolve to the point that we’re talking about murdering other users and eating their corpses that the discussion has probably gotten out of hand.

          I think there are ways of discussing even controversial topics without the conversation spinning out of control, but I know that this topic in particular touches a nerve with a lot of folks. Just please try to be mindful of whether you’re escalating or deescalating the argument in the future.

          • NotAPenguin
            11 year ago

            It’s of course hypothetical, and I think, totally within reason, it’s a thread about animal abuse.
            It’s one of the problems we run into when speaking up against animal abuse, people call us extreme when we are really just being up front about what happens in reality.

            I try to keep it civil and respond matter of fact and explain but it can be hard when you get so much toxicity thrown back at you, all because you stand up against animal cruelty.

            • TheRtRevKaiserM
              41 year ago

              It’s of course hypothetical, and I think, totally within reason, it’s a thread about animal abuse.

              Hypothetical or not, I’m telling you that it’s not acceptable for this instance.

              • NotAPenguin
                1 year ago

                I understand you want to keep it civil here and think it’s a great goal but what you’re saying would keep us from discussing serious subjects.

                When there’s context which explains why something that sounds extreme is brought up you should look at the context, not just react to what you think is extreme.

                I don’t think disallowing thought experiments/hypotheticals is positive.

                • TheRtRevKaiserM
                  21 year ago

                  I don’t want to continue to derail this post with offtopic comments. If you’d like to discuss further, feel free to DM me.

      • SimulatedKnave
        21 year ago

        This is definitely a problem that’s going to get worse, fast. Federated communities+feed that draws from a pile of them without particular reference+larger userbase…

    • 0xSim
      71 year ago

      Yes there’s no difference between a picture of a steak and fries on a plate, and a kitten being tortured then burned alive. Absolutely the same thing.

        • NotAPenguin
          1 year ago

          Why is it better to kill a cow for profit/taste?

          Both scenarios are needless killing of animals which is obviously terrible abuse.

          Is caring about animal abuse insane?

          • MrsEaves
            31 year ago

            Whoa - I’ve been reading this discussion and I went to look at what community it federated from, and I was really surprised to find it was Beehaw. I’m sorry you are encountering this here, but I notice that it’s largely not Beehaw users who are continuing interactions that do not meaningfully engage in this conversation. I think this discussion has gotten very heated on both sides (which I understand, I’m vegan myself). I notice you’re coming from kbin.social too - this is just a gentle reminder from a fellow kbin visitor to keep Beehaw’s community guidelines in mind as you’re visiting, and participate in debate with respect. Although you make awesome points, they aren’t being heard right now, except by folks in Beehaw, since they have community guidelines that promote this type of discussion in a respectful manner. It may be better to call this off and restart the conversation in our instance, or choose to respond only to folks who are practicing respectful debate.

            Please don’t take the downvotes seriously, especially in Beehaw. Beehaw has downvotes disabled, so what we’re effectively having here is a kbin conversation following kbin rules in Beehaw. If you want to engage with folks who are downvoting you, I think it’s best to do that in our instance or elsewhere to be respectful of Beehaw’s guidelines.

            I love the content and community here, and I would hate for our instance to be defederated from Beehaw because we’re not practicing awareness of the community we’re participating in.

          • Dio
            01 year ago

            Ah well, I am not big on veganism so I’ve no comment on this topic further.

        • MrsEaves
          31 year ago

          Whoa - I’ve been reading this discussion and I went to look at what community it federated from, and I was really surprised to find it was Beehaw. I think this discussion has gotten very heated on both sides (which I understand, I’m vegan myself), but name calling doesn’t move the conversation forward. I notice you’re coming from kbin.social too - this is just a gentle reminder from a fellow kbin visitor to keep Beehaw’s community guidelines in mind as you’re visiting, and participate in debate with respect. I love the content and community here, and I would hate for our instance to be defederated from Beehaw because we’re not practicing awareness of the community we’re participating in and their guidelines.

      • NotAPenguin
        1 year ago

        They’re both clearly abuse, the steak used to be a living being who was tortured and killed for profit/taste.

        Why are you people downvoting me? Do you think steaks don’t come from cows who are killed?

        • 0xSim
          81 year ago

          Don’t play dumb, people are downvoting you because you pretend that seeing a picture of a steak evokes the same feelings as seeing a video of a kitten being tortured to death.

          • pjhenry1216
            21 year ago

            For people who aren’t hypocritical or suffering from cognitive dissonance, it is kind of the same. Sure it’s somewhat different, it’s just the after picture of torture and not active torture. There’s a reason laws prevent videotaping inside slaughterhouses. Cause it would turn off so. many. people. “How the sausage is made” is a phrase for a reason. Having statistically increased suicide rates in the industry speaks volumes.

            • 0xSim
              11 year ago

              Sure it’s somewhat different, it’s just the after picture of torture and not active torture

              Ok so it’s different, got it. For a second I was concerned that ya’ll were really getting distressed when exposed to a picture of a meal, in the same way a video of an actively tortured animal would distress most people.

              So you know they’re different, and yet pretend they’re the same to give yourself a moral high ground. Kinda hypocritical. Or do you suffer from cognitive dissonance?

            • 0xSim
              21 year ago

              Right. And do you have the same emotional response when seeing a picture of a steak and when seeing a video of a kitten being tortured and then burned alive?