I’m subscribed to different communities on other instances, and the posts there did not appear on this instance for the past 3 days.

Is it a known issue ?

Edit: The instance has switch to 0.18.0, and I don’t have the issue anymore. Thanks mods !

  • z3braOP
    21 year ago

    IDK man, who are you referring to ?

    • @91x
      11 year ago

      The wmutils brah himself!

      I really ought to re-read your blog. Always loved your approach on tooling.

      • z3braOP
        21 year ago

        Ah yeah that’s me in this case ;) You might want to check my (not-so-much-lately-but-still-active) new log which I now host on gopher: gopher://phlog.z3bra.org (http proxy version). That’s where I log about the ideas I have in terms of tools (and there is also the “PROGRAMS” section on my website too).