• @areyouevenreal@lemmy.antemeridiem.xyz
    09 months ago

    Bait and switch.

    I never said doing 300mg total was dangerous. I said doing 500mg+ is dangerous especially when you’re taking more after that.

    It’s like me saying having a whole bottle of vodka is a bad idea and then you turning around and going having a few pints is fine.

    • @Dontfearthereaper123@lemm.ee
      9 months ago

      No you were fear mongering abt how 500mg could kill you. I said that i knew many people who took 500mg, then you moved the goal posts to a gram. I’ve consistently been saying that 500mg was unhealthy but it won’t kill you (look through the chat logs youself) because it won’t and you even admitted yourself that the lethal dosage was a gram or above.

      • @areyouevenreal@lemmy.antemeridiem.xyz
        9 months ago

        I have maintained that 500mg is dangerous and lethal in the right circumstances. It’s not my fault you don’t understand what circumstances are. The lethality of this particular drug like any drug is dependent on the individual and the situation. People have literally died at 500mg.

        The only person moving goalposts here is you.

        • @Dontfearthereaper123@lemm.ee
          9 months ago

          Read the chat logs. You moved the goal posts not me. All I’ve ever said for single doses is that 500mg won’t kill you in most circumstances cause again I pointed out that I could say a few glasses of vodka won’t kill you in most circumstances. I nearly puked on my own sick from being drunk but that wasn’t alcohol poisoning that was me choking on my sick. Just because drugs were involved doesn’t mean its the lethal dosage and it would be fear mongering abt drugs to say otherwise

          Edit: I actually mentioned that I don’t count over/underhydration and over exertion near the beginning of the convo. Idgaf abt those because even 100mg could kill in those circumstances, the same way a bit of vodka near killed me that wasn’t the vodka tho it was the circumstances. If you wanna keep people safe warn them abt over and under hydration. All I’m saying is don’t simplify info to make it sound like the drug is the sole cause because its misleading.