At least a million data points from 23andMe accounts appear to have been exposed on BreachForums. While the scale of the campaign is unknown, 23andMe says it’s working to verify the data.

    9 months ago

    I am a 23andMe user, and yes I voluntarily sent them my DNA sample. Shit on me all you want. You probably don’t have to live with multiple genetic conditions, chronic illnesses, and have a family history of several more.

    Must be nice to be privileged with a healthy body and to get to care about privacy concerns instead wondering which genetic condition you’ll die of first.

    ITT: People who have never experienced medical gaslighting before. Think about the relevance of your experiences before commenting. ITT: People who don’t live with chronic ille

      109 months ago

      I think you are also cursed with the gene that makes you a dick.

      Obviously there’s good and bad reasons to get tested.

      The point is to be more mindful of who you share your data with. It’s to protect yourself, not to make you feel like a fool.

        -29 months ago

        Read the rest of the comments here before you comment. Everyone is bashing 23andMe users and the bubble they live in while the irony is completely lost on them.

        Your so called ‘obvious reasons’ are anything but obviously to the average lemmy user who will find every excuse to feel superior about their niche privacy loving community with no clue how the real world works.

      19 months ago

      You’re excuse is such garbage it’s beyond stupid. You’ve got health concerns so you willingly gave up your privacy to a tech company… instead of going through, y’know the medical system which has checks and balances for this purpose.

      You’re the people they want to be their victims. Ignorant people driven by fear.

        49 months ago

        instead of going through, y’know the medical system which has checks and balances for this purpose.

        This is the single dumbest take on healthcare I have ever heard. You’ve clearly never had to deal with extensive medical issues or chronic illnesses, or you’re a straight white guy in your 30s and have the privilege of being believed by your doctor.

        I’ve been forcefully misdiagnosed with ‘anxiety’ by so many doctors who wouldn’t listen to me. No one gave a shit until I threatened to report them to the medical board. That’s the only time they took my symptoms seriously and bothered to do a blood test, where they were proven wrong. No amount of sorry from them will undo the damage they’ve done.

        This was one of 5 incidences where I had to advocate for my own health against the doctor’s preconceptions because theywould rather diagnose me based on my age and gender rather than my symptoms.

        Medical gaslighting is a pervasive issue that disproportionately affects women, POC, young people, and LGBTQ. It’s a systemic issue that kills people through medical neglect. I would be dead by now had I not fought this hard for my own diagnoses.

        The fact that you think modern health care is some pristine and fully reliable process instead of the shit show it is just speaks of how little you’ve had to deal with. Sit down and check yourself before taking about ignorance.

      09 months ago

      But… isnt that what doctors are for? Like, the people who have multiple government mandated levels of security around your data? And medical expertise in which genetic conditions you will die of first?

          09 months ago

          So, you want to blame your local physicians being incompetent for you putting your safety in the hands of less qualified people?

          You arent the only victim of medical malpractice. That doesnt make it smart, sane, or even straightforward to trust a knock off elon musk with your health, that means you have to look for a competent doctor.

          Is that hard? Is it scary? Yes, obviously. Welcome to the world, where scary shit happens to you for no reason sometimes. But malpractice isnt a reason to put yourself further at risk. As evidenced by the now millions of jewish patients whose safety is now likely at risk.

            09 months ago

            You don’t seem to understand what a systemic issue is if you think this is because of a few ‘local physicians’ or just one case of ‘malpractice’. If you think this is something that can be resolved from looking for ‘one competent doctor’, you have no idea how impossible it is to find a team of 1 PCP and 5 specialists who all happen to give a shit, and what to do when you need to go to the ER which is another hellhole of it’s own.

            You can come back to this discussion when you show some understanding of how extensive this issue is.

              19 months ago

              I am speaking from a decade of experience trying to have a correct diagnosis. I dont know how to tell you this, but you are not the first person to have a doctor dismiss them.

              Thats still not an excuse to put yourself further at risk. You can come back to this discussion when you show some understanding of how vastly serious this data breach is.

                -19 months ago

                Not wanting to die of medical neglect is a reason, not an excuse.

                I don’t need excuses or your permission to not kill myself.

                  09 months ago

                  Man, that is such a bullshit pretend nonsense claim.

                  Your only option, the only thing you could do, was sell your data to a data aggregator?

                  What a bold faced lie.

                    -19 months ago

                    Yeah, so is your ‘decade of experience of trying to get a correct diagnosis’ then.

                    What ever doesn’t fit your world view must be a lie to you. What a tough way to live.