• @ChicoSuave@lemmy.world
      289 months ago

      Wow, this guy’s search history reads like a 12 year old trying to find porn online. Also that search history gets even more pathetic on the second page.

        • @Specific_Skunk@lemmy.world
          109 months ago

          In all fairness, due to the sheer size of Reddit the likelihood of a drunk expert-in-that-specific-thing that rejoices in oversharing their very specific knowledge is not 0%. Dude was desperate.

          We know his perfect answer was probably buried 12 subcomments deep on a 6 year old hentai thread, though. Only written online as the result of said aforementioned expert butting into an argument about pillow exports or something. Out of reach. Forever lost to the vast expanse of the internet.

          Anywho, sucks for that guy. He’s in prison now because his google search landed him in North Korea.

    • JackGreenEarth
      209 months ago

      Concerning that the government can get all that personal info about a person.

      • kersploosh
        99 months ago

        The search warrants must get broad in a hurry when the case involves attempted transfer of classified information to unfriendly governments.

      • Echo Dot
        49 months ago

        They asked Google what his search history was. A search history he could have chosen to delete if he wasn’t such an unbelievable pillock. We are hardly talking about Ninety Eightty Four here.