• o_d [he/him]
    -239 months ago

    You haven’t answered any of my questions. I wonder why that is 🤔

    • sivalente
      79 months ago

      Because you’re asking stupid ass questions that lead down your own rabbit hole and no one wants to go down there but you.

    • Kalkaline
      29 months ago

      Because now you’re just making things up. There is no evidence of Ukrainian led ethnic cleansing.

      • o_d [he/him]
        -19 months ago

        What would you call banning pro Russian political parties from running in elections, banning the use of the Russian language in schools and state affairs? What would you call it when a paramilitary of neonazis shells the villages, towns, and cities of a specific ethnic group who declared independence because they saw their rights being stripped away? If you believe any of this to be okay, then you might be, no, you are a fascist.

    • Black AOC
      9 months ago

      Because these yanks don’t have an answer. They just want hegemony. They just want domination. They want Russian bodies and blood, have wanted Russian bodies and blood for seventy+ years; and now will stop at nothing to get it, like the bloodthirsty mongrels they are. Like the absolute fucking horrorshow ghouls they always have been, since antiquity. And y’know the absolute most hilarious part of all this? The most laugh-riot thing they’ll do in like five years, after this conflict’s been put out of collective memory?

      They’ll all, every single one of these mongrels, will act like they didn’t spend these days baying for the blood of the innocent. Just like in Iraq. Just like in Afghanistan. Just like in Syria. Just like in Libya. Just like… Ad infinitum. And they’ll never be held accountable for it.