I don’t know how many people in this sub/magazine/community would consider themselves experts in the realm of retro handhelds, but I suspect the average knowledge here is a bit higher than “the old place”. But, as more and more users migrate (fingers crossed!), I thought it might be a good idea to have a space where users can post what device(s) they have. Other users can ask their opinions on their devices or other more technical questions.

Sure, there is a lot of information already out there, but there is frequently more to a handheld than just the specs. Comfort is a big issue, support is another, and these and other issues may be hard to quantify just off of a few popular YouTubers reviews.

I’m hopeful this, or some other post like this, could become a safe haven to just ask questions directly to people that own and have used their device for a good period of time.

First, I’d like to offer some great info that I refer to quite frequently!

Spreadsheet of all current/upcoming emulation handhelds

Retrosizer - This web site allows you to view the sizes of many retro handhelds. Make sure your browser is at 100% view size, to get actual device sizes on your screen

Secondly (and finally), my devices are: RG280v, RG351v, Retroid Pocket 2+, Retroid Flip, PlayDate, Miyoo Mini Plus, Logitech G Cloud, AYN Odin Base, and Steam Deck.

  • entropicdrift
    2 years ago

    I have a Miyoo Mini, an Odroid Go Advanced (got it on sale and I like DIY kits), a PlayGo, a GPD Win 2 (got it from the IndieGoGo early on, so it’s one of the models with rumble), and a GPD Win (later model with the metal top).

    I have trouble justifying buying newer devices when my GPD Win 2 still works great and can play anything up to Gamecube on its own in addition to having Moonlight on it to stream my main gaming rig. That’s why all of my newer devices are mostly cheaper ones.

    I can’t wait for a high quality clamshell formfactor device that’s at least as powerful as a Steam Deck so I can upgrade from the Win 2.