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  • Schadrach
    29 months ago

    Hell, this isn’t the first time Amazon has done this, even if it’s the first time they’ve done it for video. Of all things, they retroactively removed a version of 1984 from Kindle, including having Kindle devices delete local copies the next time they connected to Amazon.

    • torpak
      19 months ago

      If I recall correctly there was a time, where they did a deal with Disney a few years back. Disney wanted to bring one or more of their classic animations back to the cinema and Amazon disabled playback of those movie(s) for that time even for people who had “bought” them.

    • torpak
      19 months ago

      I remember the 1984 incident. At the time I thought this is so ironic, it has to be satire. Now, just a few years later it doesn’t even register as odd anymore.