Grimes, whose legal name is Claire Boucher, filed a petition to establish a parental relationship in San Francisco Superior Court on Friday.

*Lay down with billionaire nazi fascist dogs … wake up with fleas, and without your own children

    9 months ago

    Some State Naming regulations
    Arkansas: Apostrophes, hyphens, and spaces are allowed as long as they are not consecutive.

    California: Derogatory or obscene names, pictographs and non-English characters are banned.

    Florida: Parents need to sign an agreement to establish a child’s first name or else a court will select one.

    Georgia: Symbols, including accents, are prohibited.

    Illinois: No restrictions. Numbers and special characters are allowed.

    Michigan: Only English characters allowed.

    Mississippi: The child takes on the father’s surname automatically when parents are married. A different name can be requested if preferred.

    New Jersey: Obscene names, numbers, and symbols are forbidden.

    New York: First and middle names have a maximum length of 30 characters each, last names cannot exceed 40 characters. Numbers and symbols are forbidden.

    North Carolina: Accent marks, hyphens, and tildes (ñ) are allowed.

    Ohio: Hyphens, apostrophes, and spaces are allowed. Numbers are prohibited.

    Texas: First, middle and last name cannot exceed 100 characters. Only English characters allowed. Numbers and diacritical marks are forbidden.

    Virginia: Numbers, symbols and other special characters such as umlauts and tildes are banned.

    examples of illegal names in the United States:

    Jesus Christ.
    Harry 3.