• @pinkdrunkenelephants@sopuli.xyz
      9 months ago

      Okay, let me explain this to you like you are a four-year-old:

      Pointing out the idiosyncrasies in either country’s culture is irrelevant to the discussion yet you did so and now defend doing it.

      You only brought up an issue in Ukraine’s culture, none of Russia’s.

      Therefore we know you are bringing up irrelevant shit in a biased way to make Ukraine look bad.

      Therefore you need to shut the fuck up.

      • Cosmic Cleric
        -59 months ago

        Okay, let me explain this to you like a four-year-old:

        Oh he’s really going to listen to and consider what you’re saying, and maybe change his mind, based on you talking to him like that.

        Therefore you need to shut the fuck up.


          • Cosmic Cleric
            -49 months ago

            He has no choice. He’s on a public internet forum making dumbass statements where everybody can see and react to them.

            Just be thankful I bothered to break it down for him instead of roasting him outright.

            The point that you’re missing is if you’re actually trying to change his mind, or just berate him publicly.

            If its beration, then I guess carry on, though that makes for horrible reading by the rest of us, though it probably makes you feel very good for yourself.

            And in the real world, when you say stupid shit, people are going to react honestly.

            Because you would say the exact same thing to him to his face if you were both in a party in a room full of people, right?

            • @pinkdrunkenelephants@sopuli.xyz
              9 months ago

              Okay then, let me explain this to you like you’re a four-year-old:

              The point you’re missing is that I don’t care what some sycophantic bootlicker thinks. Or what anyone thinks.

              I’m not out to change minds.

              I’m making fun of him. And you.

              Why, I absolutely would say the same thing to his face and everyone else would laugh in his face. It happens at protests all the time.

              Does that make the situation clear enough for you?

    • @SwedishFool@lemmy.world
      49 months ago

      There’s a good side, and there’s a bad side. One side is abducting and killing/raping everybody they see, while trying to expand their country back into soviet times. The other side is trying to survive. You calling them both bad is like saying “My neighbour and hitler are both bad, hitler killed jews, and my neighbour called me a bad name.”

      The things you talk about do not compare at all.

      • @SchizoDenji@lemm.ee
        -29 months ago

        Okay so you can’t read. Got it.

        Just for clarity, I’m literally agreeing with you that Russia is in the wrong.

          • @SchizoDenji@lemm.ee
            9 months ago

            So? Just because Russia is invading Ukraine doesn’t mean Ukraine’s actions OUTSIDE of the conflict are excused. Russia is wrong in invading Ukraine. But Ukraine has problems of its own too. If you don’t understand something as simple as that, then I’d strongly suggest you to not be as confident in your thinking.

    • Nobsi
      09 months ago

      No you said "I am a centrist, when I say both sides are bad, it doesn’t mean both sides are bad in every single conflict but that both sides have their issues. For example, Ukraine has a problem with Nazism, but that doesn’t mean they should be invaded by Russia.

      The reason why this strawman meme like OP posted, gains traction is because most centrists don’t really bother wasting time and effort arguing online. ".

      As a centrist you would have stated that you despise the person in the middle of the meme if anything and that’s it. As a centrist you would hate to be associated with a whataboutism spewing shitposter or worse a russian propaganda bot. You are not. While everyone here is on the same page about the Russia invasion you brought up irrelevant shit that has nothing to do with the russian invasion war that is going on right now. Why? Probably because you think playing devil’s advocate means being a centrist.

      As a centrist: Russia is obviously wrong and nobody needed your affirmation for this and it doesnt matte if Ukraine had a Nazism Problem, because now the World has a Russia Problem.

        • Nobsi
          09 months ago

          Cite them. What else did you say that would make all the criticism you got unjust?
          I read all your comments. You are not a centrist.

          • @SchizoDenji@lemm.ee
            9 months ago


            I don’t care about “unjust criticism”. I believe Russia is totally wrong in this conflict. But that doesn’t mean the world should go full Canada and start celebrating actual SS Nazi soldiers in Parliament.

            And I don’t need to prove whether I’m a centrist or not, the best answer I can give you is that both tankies and bigots disagree heavily with my views, I believe in seperation of economy from government (actual center right economic policy) while also believing that everyone should have the freedom to express themselves and right to basic needs, and freedom to immigrate (center/center left).

            • Nobsi
              09 months ago

              Your citation just proved my point. But since the mods here already removed my comments because i wasnt nice enough to you i will leave it at that. Have a life.