This thread is for discussion of collapse-related issues that you’re personally experiencing or have experienced. AKA things you don’t have to read the news to know are happening (although links to relevant news articles are encouraged).

    32 years ago

    I’m a farmer. I’d rather not get too specific on the internet, but I have an orchard and grow fruit. When I started planting, everyone from the old guys nearby to the extension office told me I was planting the wrong varieties. I chose what to plant thinking about how crazy our weather was going to get. Not only did I pick some non-standard varieties for the area, but I diversified way more than usual. It makes harvest a bit more of a pain because it doesn’t all come in at once, but it also means that I’m far less likely to lose my whole crop to bad weather. This year makes two years in a row where I’m feeling very good about my decisions. Last year, there were a few other farms in good spots that didn’t lose their whole crops. This year, nearly the whole damn county has nothing. I had a few losses to the spring-like winter followed up with the coldest freeze in decades and a later than usual freeze, but I’m doing business as usual.

    And I may be living in a desert in 10 years and it’s all a wash anyways, but having a realistic view of climate change pays off.