It was always my impression that the health of a game or certain kind of content can be measured on its playerbase during off-hours. In times of mega servers and whatnot the amount of people around you during peak means very little if anything at all. The amount of instances of the same map on the other hand…but those aren’t getting shown.

SotO is quite literally exactly (one month and) one week old today.

It’s half an hour later right now and I’m hanging out at the Awakened Invasion of Gendarren, which goes along nicely.

  • NecropolaM
    1 year ago

    This is what I was predicting as part of my “SotO impressions”:

    I highly doubt that the SotO maps will see much play in a few weeks. There are a lot of places in the game that are both more fun and more rewarding.

    ArenaNet is currently pushing hard by throwing rewards at the player base via the Wizard’s Vault and Bonus events. But while I think that rewards are generally a good idea, it should be the content itself which is the main attraction with rewards being the icing on top.

    I already feel kinda annoyed by how much the game is telling me what to play now/next.