The Supreme Court on Tuesday rejected an emergency bid from Alabama, setting the stage for a new congressional map likely to include a second Black majority district to account for the state’s 27% Black population.

The one-line order reflects that the feelings on the court haven’t changed since June when a 5-4 Supreme Court affirmed a lower court that had ordered the state to redraw its seven-seat congressional map to include a second majority-Black district or “something quite close to it.”

There were no noted dissents.

The case has been closely watched because after the court’s June ruling, Alabama GOP lawmakers again approved a congressional map with only one majority-Black district, seemingly flouting the Supreme Court’s decision that they provide more political representation for the state’s Black residents.

  • So to recap:

    AL: “Look these maps are totally fine”

    SCOTUS: “Nope, redraw them”

    AL: “You’re the last person I thought would say that, but alright fine. We’ve made adjustments to comply.”

    Another court: “No you didn’t, you just changed proportions in a way that’s unlikely to have any effect”

    AL: “Nah it’s totally fine!”

    Another court: “No it’s not. An independent entity will draw the maps since you racist fucks are incapable”

    AL: “That is unfair, these maps are fine! Tell them, SCOTUS!”

    SCOTUS: “Nope we’re not getting involved. The maps are still bad.”

    Seriously though I’m confused why the Court is being… agreeable.