• @Fixbeat@lemmy.ml
    79 months ago

    If the media did this and called him on his bs, I bet we’d be done with this fucker long ago. No, they baby him act like the things he says make sense and are acceptable. Do these news people not have to live with the monster that they helped create?

      • Hot Saucerman
        9 months ago

        Seriously anyone calling him out for his age, his obesity, his weakness, his senility, the fact that he has to smell like absolute shit wherever he goes. Make him bend over and lift something heavy to prove his prowess and if he won’t do it lift it yourself and then chuck it at the fat fucking piece of shit.

        Fuck, just go up on the debate stage with a big safety pin over your nose and make the next hour expounding on how awful he smells between spewing vomit (preferably all over Trump) because of the smell.