• PxtlOP
    09 months ago

    The division was given a pass back in '84, but on inspection it sounds like they butchered a lot of civilians in Poland, something Himmler personally complimented them for.

    Rota needs to be out, every person who works for him needs to be out, every person in Telford and Jolys offices need to be out, and Trudeau needs to start planning for how he’s going to secure his legacy when Poilievre takes a majority and starts smashing crap up.

    Nobody thinks the LPC are Nazis. But this is the final proof everybody needed that they are not competent to run the country.

    • MapleEngineer
      39 months ago

      Remember that time that Polievre shook hands and took smiling pictures with the well known white supremacist who later threatened to rape his wife?