Mine is probably Mechanist because it is the most fun i can have as a healer. Druid is close on second place.

  • NecropolaM
    1 year ago
    1. All Necromancer Specs: Reaper, Scourge, Harbinger
    2. Most Guardian Sepcs: Dragonhunter, Firebrand
    3. Soulbeast
    4. Most Engineer Specs: Scrapper, Mechanist
    5. Most Revenant Specs: Renegade, Vindicator
    6. Most other Specs

    But I’m not quite done, making up my mind, after the Weaponmaster Changes, since how a spec plays/feels often depends a lot on which weapons it uses and hence which stat sets are valid.

    E. g. I like Greatsword and Longbow on Guardian which more or less determines the stat set (power damage) and a general play style (offesnsive, bursty, high risk+reward). I’m currently running this as Dragonhunter, but maybe it works even better or is even more fun as Willbender.

    Other professions, e. g. Necromancer, are mostly defined via their class mechanic which changes dramatically with the chosen Elite, i. e. the weapons don’t matter much when you spend most of your time in Shroud anyway.