They’re still scumbags though

    1 year ago

    There’s an old saying in Tennessee — I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can’t get fooled again.

    A few things:

    • Unity is still bleeding money. They have a product that could be the basis for a reasonably profitable company, but spending billions on a microtransaction company means it is not sufficient for their current leadership. It doesn’t seem wise to build your bussniess on the product of a company whose bussniess plan you fundamentally disagree with.

    • It would be the best for the long term health of bussniess-to-bussnies services if we as a community manages to send the message that it doesn’t matter what any contract says - just trying to introduce retroactive fees is unforgivable and a death sentence to the company that tries it.

      81 year ago

      On a related note, I heard somewhere that the reason Bush “messes up” that quote is that he realized mid sentence that he didn’t want a sound bite of him saying “shame on me”.

      May just be a rumor though.

    • Ænima
      41 year ago

      You had me going until the first blunder of the old saying. Oh GWB², your antics paled in comparison to today’s Trainwreckublicans.

      • Uriel238 [all pronouns]
        261 year ago

        George W. Bush is still the torture president, the surveillance state president, the police state president, the war on terror president and the war profiteering president.

        Oh and the signing statements president.

        Obama got the Nobel Peace Prize in his first year just for the act of Not Being Bush.

          141 year ago

          Not to bash Obama, but how many of those things did Obama stop doing? GIMO is still open, five eyes was started under him, and Biden was the one that pulled troops from Afghanistan.

          • Uriel238 [all pronouns]
            11 year ago

            Bash away. Obama promised us hope and change and upheld most of George W. Bush’s policies, even adding village-burning drone-strikes to the war on terror and disposition matrix. After Bush we believed for a moment that maybe Obama might turn around the ultra-conservative nightmare we’d been watching unfold. Not at all. We learned about NSA’s PRISM and XKeyscore programs, Obama the president debated with Obama the candidate on television

            And we had to face that the Democratic party isn’t going to save the United States, not from the transnational white power movement, or Christian nationalism, not from the climate crisis. Not from runaway unregulated capitalism.

            I still vote Democrat, but that’s to vote against the Republican takeover, since they’re not even pretending about going full-on authoritarian dictatorship. It’s all a mess, and I don’t know if there is a good ending to this adventure.