It’s exhausting because I spend a good portion of the day waiting for my mind to start working, and it’s pretty inefficient. I’m trying to figure out what this is all about, like is it temporary due to burnout, Strattera, or something else.

  • Auster
    19 months ago

    If you’re just burning through money without improving, I’d also suggest to look for alternatives. If you have the option, maybe psychiatrists in other states would be more willing to help you?

    • I'm back on my BS 🤪OPM
      19 months ago

      nah, it’s government healthcare, so i don’t pay anything. my other option would be to pay ~$350 out of pocket for a private psychiatrist. i might be able to get that down to ~$250 if i could find a psych nurse practitioner, so there’s that option. now that i think about it, i could try searching for a psychiatric med provider that specializes in autism and adhd. they might know what’s up compared to these jaded VA psychs that treat everyone like their hunting for disability benefits.