I want to see this community skyrocket, so here’s my participation to the work !

Not much to see here, mostly terminals (st). As for the programs running:

safe is my homemade password manager, painting is the Sainte-Victoire by Cézanne, and the scoreboard is related to a game I’m working on (that I hope releasing this year ;)).

Hope you like it !

  • @stepan@lemmy.fmhy.ml
    11 year ago

    Are you using it just for the screenshot, or really daily driving it? And if the latter, how is your experience with it? I can’t imagine using browser with now tabs, so that’s why I’m asking. Anyway, beautiful rice!

    • z3braOP
      11 year ago

      It depends. When I’m at work, I use Firefox, because I deal with so many web admin consoles, so I need those tabs.

      However when I use the computer for personnal stuff, I prefer using surf to limit my browser usage to the bare minimum. I only browse one or two pages at a time, and I like that surf is so responsive and low on resources when I’m just coding in C or settings up stuff on my remote servers.

      Forcing yourself to only use one or two browser window is a great experience IMO, as it helps you focus on one task rather than having 200+ tabs that you’ll not even look at in the next 5 month. If I find something worth reading later, I grab the URL and put it in ~/.toread or whatever.

      • @kh1b
        129 days ago

        is surf usable tho, i tried it before i had some issues with it?

        • z3braOP
          227 days ago

          It is usable for me, I don’t have issues.

          • @kh1b
            126 days ago

            Great to hear that I am installing Crux right now and wanted to use a simple browser, so I thought of Surf. The only thing that I am thinking about right now is how about ad blocking?

            • z3braOP
              224 days ago

              You don’t have any plugins on surf. I personally use a DNS based ad blocker.