We are truly living in an Idiocracy. What kind of headline is this?

  • @kat@lemmy.world
    81 year ago

    The first time I saw this headline I thought it was from one of those Onion offshoot websites and skimmed it over. I can’t believe it’s real, but I’m both delighted and dumbfounded that it is!

    I choose to believe they’re doing this for our entertainment. Out of the goodness of their hearts. Things have been rough lately and we all need a little silliness and fun. Thanks, guys!

    • @guyman@lemmy.world
      -11 year ago

      I think there was a weird reddit post awhile back where a guy saw Mark in his karate class. I dunno, rich people are people too and I guess this is a win-win for both of them. They get to live their rich lives, and it’s a spectacular publicity stunt.

        • @Cinner@lemmy.worldB
          31 year ago

          Musk has a LOT more weight on him and I believe some height too.

          I just want to see Elon’s jibblies jobbling all over the place. Flippity flappity I want to see this happity.