The Republican congresswoman said “while none of my actions or words as a private citizen that night were intended to be malicious or meant to cause harm, the reality is they did and I regret that”

    871 year ago

    The past few days have been difficult and humbling, and I’m truly sorry for the unwanted attention my Sunday evening in Denver has brought to the community

    “I’m sorry I got caught”

    • pjhenry1216
      541 year ago

      Absolutely. Before the video, she lied about it and downplayed it and accused others about falsifying the accusations. Suddenly there’s video and now she “apologizes” (she didn’t really, it was a fake apology, she didn’t say she’s sorry for what she did, she basic said she’s sorry others found it offensive, that’s not an apology) and she’s entirely quiet on all the lying she did beforehand about saying it was overblown.

      • She didn’t even really say she was sorry others found it offensive, it came off as saying she was sorry she got caught. I suppose that shouldn’t be surprising given the GQP. None of them have any shame and are only “sorry” when they get caught.