Right now there are three feeds available to me, that, as far as I can tell, I have minimal control over.

It’d be rad if there was a way to add feeds, and for each feed, be able to manually select communities I’d like to see.

This would be great for news, porn, sports, pornography, adult content, and so much more.

  • @SquiffSquiff
    210 months ago

    I’m afraid that with this sort of approach you’re unlikely to get what you’re asking for. AFAIK LemmyConnect has a single developer and it’s an open source project that isn’t paid. As a developer with a small open source project myself I’ve dealt with this style of request myself. Here are my red flags that you might like to address:

    • Doesn’t bother to identify developer or developers
    • Doesn’t try to identify project’s preferred feature request route
    • Doesn’t try to find out if feature is already on roadmap or requested or available elsewhere
    • Doesn’t try to find out if feature is relevant to project or to base protocol
    • Takes an arrogant attitude with ‘LMAO’/‘LOL’ etc
    • Claims feature ‘trivial to implement’
    • Doesn’t ask what would actually be needed to implement feature
    • Considers themselves ‘a customer’ (or appears to)
    • Doesn’t offer assistance
    • @foggy@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      If lemmy is open source I will literally just do it for myself. Wasn’t aware.

      Again because it is trivial to filter existing content from a user interface.

      Sorry not understanding something seems to be upsetting you for some reason.