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    “Even after a judge required ACS to reunite Ms. Rivers with her baby, ACS continued to subject Ms. Rivers to needless court proceedings and a litany of conditions that interfered with her parenting of TW for months, while the unlawful removal of her baby was ratified by senior ACS leadership,” the complaint reads. “This was not because ACS was trying to protect TW; this was because Ms. Rivers is Black.”

    1 year ago

    An opinion piece, published 15 years ago? Let’s look at current recommendations by renown organisations:

    HHS (USA: Department of Health & Human Services)

    It is not safe for women to drink any type or amount of alcohol during pregnancy.

    DHAC (Australia: Department of Health and Aged Care)

    No safe level of alcohol consumption during pregnancy or while breastfeeding has been identified.

    Even a small amount of alcohol can harm a baby’s development and may have lifelong effects.

    DHV (Germany: Deutscher Hebammenverband)

    Im Gegensatz zum Koffein gibt es bei Alkohol keine Menge, die für das ungeborene Kind unbedenklich ist. Es wird sogar empfohlen, bereits bei der Planung einer Schwangerschaft auf Alkohol zu verzichten. Selbst in geringen Mengen kann Alkohol zu Fehlbildungen, Wachstumsstörungen und einer Schädigung des Gewebes inklusive der Nervenzellen führen.

    Translation using DeepL:

    Unlike caffeine, there is no amount of alcohol that is safe for the unborn child. It is even recommended to avoid alcohol already when planning a pregnancy. Even in small amounts, alcohol can lead to malformations, growth disorders and damage to the tissue including the nerve cells.

    RCOG (UK: Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists)

    Although the risk of harm to the baby is low with small amounts of alcohol before becoming aware of the pregnancy, there is no ‘safe’ level of alcohol to drink when you are pregnant.

    There is no proven safe amount of alcohol a woman can drink during pregnancy.

    nidirect (Northern Ireland)

    Women are therefore strongly advised to not drink alcohol at all at any stage during pregnancy because there may be an increased risk of miscarriage. The current advice is to avoid alcohol completely.

    CDC (USA: Center for Disease Control and Prevention

    There is no known safe amount of alcohol use during pregnancy

    • Doug HollandOP
      01 year ago

      Sound medical advice for pregnant women is always a good idea.

      Following sound medical advice is usually a good idea, too, at least since leeches went out of fashion.

      It’s not the law, though.