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    “Even after a judge required ACS to reunite Ms. Rivers with her baby, ACS continued to subject Ms. Rivers to needless court proceedings and a litany of conditions that interfered with her parenting of TW for months, while the unlawful removal of her baby was ratified by senior ACS leadership,” the complaint reads. “This was not because ACS was trying to protect TW; this was because Ms. Rivers is Black.”

    • hypelightfly
      161 year ago

      Feel like providing a source that NYC is doing that? Because it appears to not be true as far as I can see.

        -251 year ago

        Let’s use some common sense real quick here. You think CPS cases are public information someone can just look up? No, right? Why is this in the news? Because it’s a civil suit.

        Impairment as a result of the inadequate guardianship of the unborn child would get a CPS case started and then under observation, if not have the child removed. This particular case has a news article because of the civil case. If a child is born with a defect due to the mothers substance abuse, how would that normally make the news? The mother isn’t running to the papers about it. The CPS workers see it all too often and would lose their jobs if they did. Anyway, I’m going to block you now. You clearly want to argue about something that’s common knowledge because you want to prove some bullshit point. I’m not interested in interacting with you further.

        • hypelightfly
          191 year ago

          tldr; “No I can’t I made it up but I’ll block you for pointing it out”.

          41 year ago

          Even children born with opiods in their system can have corrections taken. Its not ideal, and disorders are real, but I think shaming people for “this isn’t something you should be defending” is coming off in a bad way.