drawing showing git history made in gimp

So I have a bug fix (green) and owner also made a bug fix (red) but I would like to rework both of them due to discussion we had. I have opened a PR and there is merge conflict that can’t be resolved. Should I open a new branch in my fork and close PR or should I google some rebase magic to apply commits to my bug-fix branch.

  • @glad_cat
    10 months ago

    there is merge conflict that can’t be resolved

    Why? That’s the main question.

    Also https://trunkbaseddevelopment.com/branch-for-release/ says that you should:

    1. fix on your branch
    2. PR to master
    3. cherry pick to 2.0

    owner also made a bug fix

    That’s a political issue, not a technical issue. You MUST talk with the owner about it.

    • @Ludrol@szmer.infoOP
      10 months ago


      merge resolution would produce more work than opening new PR (couple dozen of lines of code)[I want to learn on small mistakes not on big ones] I would like to rework the owners bug fix to have cleaner code.

      Political issue

      So I should make a consensus on „Who should make the work?” and „How should feature be implemented?”.

      Sadly „2.0” is the trunk and „master” is 1.0 release but thanks for the link