    21 year ago

    Why should I differ one from another, judge them by the evils they made or could have made, bother myself with moral choices? They came to destroy my home, my country. They will all burn. Every single one of them that crossed the border.

    • Piecemakers
      11 year ago

      And I don’t question that for a second, please understand.

      It’s the people we’ve left that aren’t part of that, I’m concerned with. I know that you’re not wrong in any way — and I’d feel the same, were I in your shoes, frankly. You’re completely correct. My point is not with those that are dying on any side, but those that are pulling the strings, calling the shots, from their safe places of privilege. They never seem to pay the price of their actions. No. We do.

      When it comes to it, I only hope we see the truth of it then: we’ve been the ones to lose, on every front. The vast majority of us are not different in any real way, and the ways we are, they exploit. We’ve been dying for them for centuries, over and over and over again.

      We’re “heroes”. We’re “essential”. We’re who they’d be nothing without, but we throw ourselves and those that come after into the fires for them.

      When do we say enough is enough? When does it stop?

      In another way: can you - or anyone, name a blue-collar citizen anywhere that incited death like this, on a whim? Rhetorical, maybe, but I’ll wait. Meanwhile, we’re dying and they’re laughing all the way to the bank.

      As always.