• @FinalBoy1975@lemmy.world
    3610 months ago

    I actually learned how to use vi like 30 years ago and I had all the commands memorized. Then, nano came along. All the commands are at the bottom of the screen to remind you. It was just too tempting to pass up. However, I can’t help but suspect that somewhere out there I might have left a vi session open because maybe I mistyped. I might have accidentally typed ;q! instead of :q! or something.

    • ChapolinColoradoNZ
      710 months ago

      I get stressed out every time I need to jump into a server and check something and the only editor is vi. If I can I install nano straight away. Btw, :q! does nothing without pressing ESC first! Hehehe

    • @TheInsane42@lemmy.world
      710 months ago

      I’m feeling old now… I’ve been using vi for 35y now and was happy when I got vi.exe on a dos box, as I hated edit. I still don’t like ‘simple’ editors like nano/joe.

      I used kill to get out of emacs when trying it agter 7y of vi usage, so I get the need to get mideval on editors users aren’t used off. ;)

      • @FinalBoy1975@lemmy.world
        710 months ago

        vi has always been my bane because I’m a sloppy typist. I can’t count the number of files i had to fix because they ended with :q i like nano because the commands are ctrl + whatever. i don’t make a mess.

        • @TheInsane42@lemmy.world
          210 months ago

          I’m a sloppy typer as well, but somehow I notice my mistakes while I make them and correct them on the go.

          What doesn’t help is that the readout of the keyboard hasn’t changed (got faster) since decades, which sometimes hinders me more then my sloppyness.

    • glibg10b
      -110 months ago

      All the commands are at the bottom of the screen to remind you. It was just too tempting to pass up.

      But you already had the Vi commands memorized. Did you forget them in the meantime?