• I'm back on my BS 🤪
    310 months ago

    Thanks! It sounds like they’re coming up with stupid terms to create boogeymen and scapegoats so that their gullible followers would start hating them.

    These developments have been described in mainstream policy discourse as “deregulation” and “privatization,” but those terms are misleading. The term “deregulation” suggests a reversion to a pre-existing system of nonregulation, a realm in which state authority is absent. But this is a fantasy. There is no pre-legal, law-free realm. There is always regulation, albeit sometimes invisible and private, and hence unaccountable.

    I really liked this part of the article you shared because it points out their strategy of coming up with euphemisms that are straight lies. They’re not de-regulating. They’re changing authority over regulation from somewhat democratic bodies to privates ones.

    • BeautifulMind ♾️
      310 months ago

      It sounds like they’re coming up with stupid terms to create boogeymen and scapegoats

      That’s exactly what they’re doing. It amounts to putting a misleading label on the thing and telling people what the label means instead of what the underlying substance is. Rhetorically speaking, it’s 3-card monte and it annoys me so much