How do you set up a server? Do you do any automation or do you just open up an SSH session and YOLO? Any containers? Is docker-compose enough for you or are you one of those unicorns who had no issues whatsoever with rootless Podman? Do you use any premade scripts or do you hand craft it all? What distro are you building on top of?
I’m currently in process of “building” my own server and I’m kinda wondering how “far” most people are going, where do y’all take any shortcuts, and what do you spend effort getting just right.
Proxmox + mostly Debian + currently documenting my builds for future automation.
Lots of snapshots and clones/backups, for in case I want to roll back, or in case I want a head start in the future.
For example, I have a couple LAMP stack VMs backed up. If I need another LAMP VM, I clone (restore-as-unique) the backup in Proxmox, twiddle a few settings to make it actually unique, and go.
I don’t do Docker or anything like it currently, and eventually I’m sure I’ll learn, but having a crapload of VMs (true VM or LXC) suits me just fine for now. I will likely learn how to do my deployments with Ansible before learning Docker et al.