One prominent author responds to the revelation that his writing is being used to coach artificial intelligence.

By Stephen King

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  • @xapr
    10 months ago

    I had heard some mentions of this before too, but didn’t recall the exact references. I went searching and found this recent study.

      110 months ago

      Sure, it can plagiarize works it has been trained on. They didn’t show in the study, however, that this has occurred for copyright protected material like fiction books.

      • @xapr
        210 months ago

        I saw a comment, probably on Mastodon, from an author saying that (I believe) ChatGPT had plagiarized some of his work verbatim. I don’t recall if it was a work of fiction or not, although for the purpose of copyright it doesn’t matter.

        I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s trained on works of fiction just as much as non-fiction though. I think that from what I’ve heard, you can ask ChatGPT to write something in the style of particular writers? If it’s possible to give a very specific prompt for it to write something with the same plot points as a Stephen King story in the style of Stephen King, I wonder just how close it would look like the original?