• @Guntrigger@feddit.ch
    010 months ago

    I don’t understand this logic. IDF literally shooting someone is somehow less of a “use of a deadly weapon in a manner that can cause death” than throwing a stone at a car?

    I get that they deemed the person dangerous, but shooting someone for throwing a stone is a slippery slope to all sorts of things, eg. Kettled protesters who start throwing stones at riot police. Should the police just mow them all down because rocks can be deadly?

    • @DoomBot5@lemmy.world
      310 months ago

      Why do you keep using arguments where stones are being thrown at police/army? These stones were being thrown at unarmed, unprotected humans.

      • @Guntrigger@feddit.ch
        -110 months ago

        Stop being disingenuous. The rocks were thrown at cars. They weren’t interrupting a public stoning.

        • @DoomBot5@lemmy.world
          210 months ago

          Do you know how many people died from rocks thrown at cars? I’m not talking hypotheticals, I’m talking real deaths and injuries.

          • @Guntrigger@feddit.ch
            010 months ago

            Do you? I’d wager it’s considerably lower than deaths from shootings involving figures of authority.

              • @Guntrigger@feddit.ch
                010 months ago

                Me move the goalposts? What are you talking about? I’ve been maintaining the whole time that it’s potentially over the top to shoot someone with a gun when they are throwing rocks at cars, while admitting we don’t have all the facts om how it went down.

                You on the other hand, keep coming back to me about different rock related dangers and vaguely alluding that shooting someone throwing rocks is fine whatever the scenario because rocks can be *hand wavy* amounts of dangerous.

                You asked me if I knew the stats on rock throwing deaths. I don’t, but I assumed you would enlighten me seeing as you brought it up. Instead you accuse me of moving the goalposts when I’m still taking about the case in point.