An Italian holiday may be a priceless experience for those who have enjoyed all this country has to offer. But the summer of 2023 will go down as one of the priciest in history after a slew of price gouging scandals at cafes and restaurants that have affected foreign tourists and Italians alike.

    -1010 months ago

    I’m with you. I know it’s unpopular but fuck. I know so many people that espouse a green philosophy but won’t bat an eyelash at multiple intercontinental flights a year. And especially with the rise of air bnb tourism is just wreaking these places. Where I king, you’d get one travel pass in you twenties and another in your sixties.

        -110 months ago


        A list of things idiots say?

        Why not, you know, looked up a survey or something that tells you what it’s really like instead of what heavily downvotes people say on social media?

        Do you think there’d be no difference?

      110 months ago

      Im on the fence with this. If i were king i feel like 1 a year could be fine. But that would mean rich people would also have to follow that. If you cut down on those ridiculous daily 5 minute private jet flights it wouldnt be the massive problem it is now.

      Airbnb is a different subject. Shouldnt exist imo

        110 months ago

        Short-term house/apartment rentals are great. AirBNB specifically is shit.

        If your issue is that the housing could be used to house locals, that’s an issue with a shortage of housing, not AirBNB.