Hatred often makes you want to hurt people, but people hurt peope in the name of greed more often, and not only with less potential for guilt, but is often the cause of delusional accolades and reassurance both from within oneself and from others.


A CEO lays off 10,000 employees that helped that company succeed, solely to increase earnings and not because the company is hurting, not only seriously hurting 9,997 people, but causing 3 to commit suicide.

A bumpkin gets in a fight with someone he hates the melanin of because he’s a moron and kills them.

Who did more damage to humanity that day? They’re both, I want to say evil but evil is subjective, they’re both highly antisocial, knowingly harmful behaviors, yet one correctly sends you to prison for a long time if not forever, while the other, far more premeditated and quite literally calculated act, is literally rewarded and partied about. Jim Kramer gives you a shout out on tv, good fucking times amirite!

Edit: and this felt relevant to post after someone tried to lecture me about equating layoffs to murder.

“Coca-Cola killed trade unionists in Latin America. General Motors built vehicles known to catch fire. Tobacco companies suppressed cancer research. And Boeing knew that its planes were dangerous. Corporations don’t care if they kill people — as long as it’s profitable.”


  • AlwaysNowNeverNotMe
    411 months ago

    I’m sure your mom and pop outfit will compete very effectively against megacorps that own the marketplaces, advertising outlets, and regulatory framework, hell I’m sure it’s a walk in the park to operate at a loss for decades while their lawyers peel back every transaction you process to find the smallest irregularities.

    And that’s just assuming they don’t send a goonsquad to burn you and your place.

      • AlwaysNowNeverNotMe
        111 months ago

        Lol it would be difficult for me to stay poor. But great argument, very stirring, really refuted my points and added a lot to think about.

          • AlwaysNowNeverNotMe
            211 months ago

            Aww that’s precious.

            Hey maybe develop a personality?

            It will make you less reactionary when people threaten the status qoe, or at least give you some more interesting sentences to repeat to strangers.

            • @SCB@lemmy.world
              11 months ago

              My personality is like 80% of why I have been so wildly successful in life.

              No one here threatens the status quo because there are insufficient numbers of people who believe this silly shit.

              Personally I find it weird you feel so threatened by me being fine with you living a Walden-esque life of pretend-poverty. Idc what you do man. Knock yourself out.

              • AlwaysNowNeverNotMe
                111 months ago

                Is the other 20% your willingness to dig through 3 day old threads, or your incredible prose? Or is it just assuming everyone who holds a different opinion than you is poor? Oh wait those are all aspects of your personality.

                Btw the people that made this website believe that silly shit.

                • @SCB@lemmy.world
                  11 months ago

                  It’s mostly my incredible prose coupled with my ability to find years-old threads on the internet, but that’s because the e-learning community has always done a baller job of documenting solutions.

                  I stand on the shoulders of giants.

                  Also I don’t care what the original devs believed. They made a passable forum but their world views are meaningless.

                  Finally, I didn’t assume you’re poor. I assumed you wanted to pretend you’re poor. That’s so much worse.

                  • AlwaysNowNeverNotMe
                    111 months ago

                    “Finally, I didn’t assume you’re poor. I assumed you wanted to pretend you’re poor. That’s so much worse.”

                    “Stay poor then”

                    I think you need some more e-learning, preferably somewhere the content is locked so you can’t pollute it.