A Georgia school board voted along party lines Thursday to fire a teacher after officials said she improperly read a book on gender fluidity to her fifth grade class.

  • @Decimit@lemm.ee
    4711 months ago

    Don’t teach my kids reading!

    Don’t learn my childrens ‘bout no demonic algebra.

    Don’t read that evil evolution book to my offspring.

    • @CoderKat@lemm.ee
      11 months ago

      I mean, have you seen the symbols they use in math? It’s obviously a demon summoning. No kid of mine will learn about librul irrational numbers. /s

      But naw, that’s what they sound like. They want to pick and choose facts to teach their kids. They might not be going after math symbols this time, but they’re still anti-reality. Parents can have some leeway in how to raise their kids, but they don’t get to choose to keep their kids ignorant of reality. Well, unless they live in Georgia apparently. Or Florida. Or one of several other states that have done similar and just coincidentally happen to be red states.

    • vlad
      -6311 months ago

      It doesn’t matter how backwards you think it is, the parents have the authority. If you want the kids to start learning a topic, get the parents to agree.

      • @Decimit@lemm.ee
        2711 months ago

        Oh, my bad. I didn’t realize the parents were all experts in education and also made the rules and could even change reality to fit their whims.

        • vlad
          -3211 months ago

          I hate it when people try to change reality to fit their whims.

          • DessertStorms
            1911 months ago

            Says the person doing exactly that.

            Like it or not, parents don’t own children, nor do they have an absolute authority over them.

            If parents abuse or neglect their child (and yes, depriving them of an education is both) then the other responsible adults in that’s child’s life have not only every right, but the absolute responsibility, to override the abusive parents’ instructions or demands, and intervene in the child’s best interest.

            • @Decimit@lemm.ee
              611 months ago

              Hey now! You stop it with that reasonable speak! That isn’t allowed on the internet.

            • vlad
              -1111 months ago

              Then take the next step and vote to get those kids taken away, if you think it’s that much harm.

              • @nautilus@lemmy.dbzer0.com
                511 months ago

                jesus tapdancing christ, just say you think parents should control every aspect of their child’s lives including everything they THINK and HEAR.

                Child disagrees with parents? Fuck em, parents are always right. Always. Right?

                • vlad
                  -1011 months ago

                  All I’m saying is that if you want the government to parent the kid, then have the government parent the kid full time.

      • originalucifer
        2611 months ago

        one of the man benefits of public education are having the kids taught by people who actually know what they are teaching, rather than random parents who think they know. yeah, its not perfect, but parents generally make worse teachers than, ya know, trained teachers.

        its classic micromanagement of the kid. let go

        • chaogomu
          1611 months ago

          Conservatives believe that their children are their property. Or a close analog thereof.

          So you teaching their kid something they don’t want the kid to know is treated like you’re damaging “their stuff”.

          Conservatives are all about protecting property, even when said property is actually a person who might not want their “protection”.

        • vlad
          -3611 months ago

          I’m very pro public schools. I’m only saying that parents must have authority over schools when it comes to their kids.

            • vlad
              -1211 months ago

              No I mean what I say.

              • muse
                811 months ago

                You mean what you say, but don’t understand it. So you contradict yourself.

                Two things can be true. Reading sure is tough!

                • vlad
                  -1111 months ago

                  I bet it is.

      • @dragonflyteaparty@lemmy.world
        1211 months ago

        That’s some absolute nonsense. I shouldn’t have to rely on other parents for my kid to be able to learn certain things in school. They don’t like it, they can pull their kid from the class during that instruction. This whole thing of “I don’t want it, so no one gets it” is absolute bullshit.

        • vlad
          -711 months ago

          If that teacher tried to teach creationism against school rules it would be the same exact thing, but you’d feel different about it.

      • @yawn@lemmy.world
        911 months ago

        Parents have the option of homeschooling their kids. That’s them exercising their authority. But public school curriculum should be decided by an apolitical body that follows evidence based practices. Don’t like it as a parent? Then homeschool.

        • vlad
          -711 months ago

          I don’t disagree.

        • vlad
          -1111 months ago

          I don’t have one. I’m just saying that if it’s not the curriculum then it shouldn’t be taught. But if you want it to be taught then you need to change the curriculum, and if you want to do that, then you need the parents to be on board. So, my assumption is that the parents in that community are against this topic being taught to their kids. It doesn’t matter what the topic is. A teacher just choosing to do read books on topics that the parents may believe their kids are not ready for is wrong.

          • @I_Has_A_Hat@lemmy.ml
            811 months ago

            Did you read any required books in school? Did you parents have to fill out a form agreeing to those books? If not, then maybe “you need the parents to be on board” is a bullshit excuse.

            • vlad
              -811 months ago

              You misunderstand me. I’m not saying that parents should be on the board. Although maybe some should? I don’t really care.

              What I’m saying is that in the real world, I hope, the people have influence on what their government does. So, when the government does something, like add something to school curriculum, the people can be involved. That’s why we vote for things. That’s the parental influence on schools that I’m referring to.