According to Billet themselves, they heard nothing about compensation or payback until about 3 hours after the original GN video went live… Which Billet hadnt even replied to before Linus made his post saying they’ve already made the deal on compensation.

  • @Dubious_Fart@lemmy.mlOP
    7011 months ago

    Linus is a narcissist.

    Narcissists have to prove how wrong everyone else was.

    They have to control the narrative.

    And when all else fails, they have to make themselves look like the victim, so they get all the positive attention.

    Thats why he cant shut up, and always doubles down to make everything worse.

      511 months ago

      I’m not either for narcissistic behavior or ADHD being the cause.

      I have several TBIs (traumatic brain induries) and I act like he does sometimes. Most of the time I can catch myself but everyone once in a while I’ll go into full “you’re all wrong, I’m right and stop hating on me” mode even when I am wrong. But I always admit I’m wrong afterwards.

      It’s a maturity and, hate to say it, grace thing. Even when you mess up this bad, and then do it again, and then a third time, you have to step up and admit you made a mistake.

      I have brain damage and I can do it. It’s just learning how to do it. Making that effort. I don’t think he knows how to do it or has never fucked up bad enough to want to learn how to admit to mistakes, or the reactions have never been negative enough for him to own up to it.

      Either way - he messed up and should sit and think about it before doing anything else. He didn’t do that and it’s going to cost him. Maybe not a lot but something.

          011 months ago

          Could be. Just trying to empathize with it is all. I get making decisions on emotion and it biting you in the ass, I’m just wondering has he ever tried to learn from being bit.

            1111 months ago

            So do I, and I find it insulting. Have I ever replied to someone with an emotionally driven impulse making things worse for myself? Absolutely, but that’s something I did when I was 18 or 19.

            I’ve learned how not to be so reactive. If something really infuriates me, I give myself some time to connect my thoughts and reflect on the situation.

            I’m almost the same age as Linus Sebastian (about a year and a half difference). He should have learned how to conduct himself a long time ago. Especially if he knows he has ADHD.

            ADHD is not an excuse.

        1911 months ago

        I am so sick of people using disabilities to deflect responsibility for shitty behavior.

        So what if he has ADHD?

        If that truly is the cause, he knows his disability and has a responsibility to make an effort to not let the effects of it have a negative impact on others.

        An explanation is not an excuse.

      • Lazz45
        1611 months ago

        I have battled ADHD since second grade, been medicated and in therapy many times. I’m a successful chemical engineer now and I can promise you, that’s not an excuse for this behavior. I’m also by chance friends with multiple people with diagnosed ADHD, and not a single one of them acts this way when someone points out they are wrong.

        So I’m not really fine with ADHD being used to explain shitty behavior. It’s not an excuse, ever

      • DJDarren
        1011 months ago

        I have ADHD, and I’m not a prick. At least, I don’t think I am…

      • platysalty
        711 months ago

        I have ADHD and my response would be to apologise so hard that there’s an indent in my head.

        How he responded to the situation was not ADHD.